Unwrap Theatre is excited to be producing the initiative’s first production:
The Artistic Impacts of Playing Piano with Hearing Loss
A first project for the initiative questioning, testing, and performing what the artistic impacts are of playing piano with hearing loss and hearing aids.
Stay up to date by following our instagram and facebook pages and sign up for the Listen Up! email list.
“Music communicates emotions and feelings so clearly. When it speaks, we cannot help but to listen.
If music is important to you and you are losing your connection from hearing loss, ‘Listen Up!” This project may interest you.
Hearing aids are not music aids. They are built for speech. If you are a musician or a music enthusiast with hearing loss, you owe it to yourself to find the best possible instrument for your hearing.
For musicians with hearing loss, my vision with this research is to provide new findings, information, and support on choosing the best hearing aids for creating music and listening pleasure. Hearing aids are an expensive purchase, and I am hoping this project can prevent other musicians from falling into the same traps that I did.
Our first trial outlines a journey with me, an audio recording specialist and my hearing instrumental specialist to hear what hearing aids are all about.”
-Michèle Wilmot, Founder